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New maps for CS 1.6 On the site is available to download new maps for CS 1.6 - zm nuke uac remake beta2 and zm assault evening prefinal for Zombie (biohazard) servers (with lasermines).
zm aztec uac remake (final) On the site is available to download new version of map for CS 1.6 zm aztec uac remake final for Zombie (biohazard) servers (with lasermines).
zm aztec uac remake On the site is available to download new map for CS 1.6 zm aztec uac remake beta3 for Zombie (biohazard) servers (with lasermines).
AlienLab prefinal2 On the site is available to download new version of map for CS 1.6 AlienLab prefinal2 for DeathRun servers.
Errors Mod v2.2.3 Released new version of Errors Mod v2.2.3 , fixed work admin panel when register_globals=off .
Base Games v1.5.4 Released new version of Base Games v1.5.4 .
The list of changes read the extended news.
Base Games v1.5.3 Released new version of Base Games v1.5.3 .
The list of changes read the extended news.
Base Games v1.5.2 Released new version of Base Games v1.5.2 .
The list of changes read the extended news.
Base Games v1.5.1 Released new version of Base Games v1.5.1 .
The list of changes read the extended news.
Errors Mod v2.2.2 Released new version of Errors Mod v2.2.2 , fixed installation when register_globals=off , and fixed file .htaccess .
Errors Mod v2.2.1 Released new version of Errors Mod v2.2.1 , fixed installation for php-fusion v7.00 .
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