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Banner exchange system
from AlexALX 26.07.2011
Downloads: 809
Comments: 3
1. Manual
The banner exchange system allows you to make banner exchanges a lot easier for you and your clients.
Warning: this is not an automatic system!
You still have to confirm new banners, until adding them to your website.
2. How to install
1. Upload the content of the calalogue to the folder:
* infusions/banner_exchange/*
2. Go to your admin panel and install the plugin. Next upload it to banner_exchange and activate it.
Installation completed...
3. Features
* You can addd a lot of banner types with a big sellection of formats.
* It has a built-in admin panel.
* You can delete any sites in this system.
* Control image is included.
* Views how many hosts did the site had.
* Sites noindex.
* The system allows you to add any messeges in front of the form, HTML is allowed.
* Comments are allowed.
* A function to select how many sites will appear on per page.
* Admin can see the users e-mail adresses and change them.
* You can check is there an update for this plugin.
* The possibility of changing the base language games, regardless of language php-fusion.
* Viewing/delete all comments.

English, Russian, Ukrainian.

Working in php-fusion 6.01/7.00/7.01/7.02.

Base Games
from AlexALX 12.09.2011
Downloads: 10112
Comments: 3
Base games - it changed for php-fusion, or even a separate development for php-fusion, which adds a base games. The database has many functions (described below) to add a variety of information about the game, files, maps, patches and more. Very easy to use, friendly interface based on the php-fusion.


* Search for games.
* Ability to withdraw all games at any letter, by category, for the year.
* Comments and top games.
* Admin panel on the basis of php-fusion.
* Verification code + avatars in comments.
* Own Pages download.
* Ability to check for a new version.
* The massive removal of games.
* The system broken downloads.
* Viewing/delete all comments.
* Uploading images in Admin-panel.
* Users can send files/news/articles.
* The opportunity to introduce "mirror" for downloads.
* Ability to add pages for any game.
* Ability to include "Wait 10 seconds before loading is started".
* The possibility of downloading files include guests.
* The possibility of changing the base language games, regardless of language php-fusion.
* His panel.
* The possible to specify links to the files of the following protocols: http:// ftp:// ed2k:// magnet:.
* Spam protection in "report the broken link".
* Show the latest news/articles/games in Base games.
* Conclusion of the most popular games (on rating).

Warning: For the script necessarily need to be REGISTER_GLOBALS=ON! Otherwise the script will not work!

Working in php-fusion 6.01.xx and php-fusion 7.00.xx (BETA testing)

Official support of this mod ended since 2009.
Due to the constant removal of copyright, and absolute financial disadvantages of this modification (up to version 1.5 was also a paid version, which is absolutely not justified itself).

Errors Mod
from AlexALX 25.08.2011
Downloads: 6863
Comments: 0
Errors Mod - This mod adds its error pages 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505.
Attention! This addition will work only with support for hosting the file .htaccess.
Attention! The efficiency of errors than the 404 depends on the server settings, I can not guarantee their performance. If necessary, you can delete unwanted error pages, while deleting the file error, you should also delete the corresponding line in the file .htaccess.


* His error pages.
* Statistics of errors.
* The ability to off the statistics.
* Ability to display your text in the pages of errors.

Working in php-fusion 6.01/7.00/7.01/7.02.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English.

Mod "index.php + mod panels"
from AlexALX 10.02.2011
Downloads: 5081
Comments: 2
Mod "index.php + mod panels" - This modification removes redirection on index.php, and also adds the possibility of any panel only on the main page. And give more options to control panels.


* No redirect (but it is possible on).
* Ability to specify the home page (load to index.php)
* The possibility of any panel display only on the main page.
* Extended possibilities of editing panels.
* Mass editing of status of panels and access to them.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English.

Working on php-fusion v6.01/7.00/7.01.

Plugin "view all comments"
from AlexALX 05.08.2011
Downloads: 2642
Comments: 0
1. Description

Plugin "view of all the comments" - this plugin will allow you to view the view/delete/edit all comments on your site.

2. Functions

* Viewing all comments on the site.
* Mass deleting comments.
* Ability to delete comments on ip.

Working in php-fusion v6.01/7.00/7.01/7.02.


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© 2008-2011 by AlexALX
Powered by php-fusion v6 copyright © 2003-2006 by Nick Jones.
Released as free software under the terms of the GNU/GPL license.
Designed by Alex Unknown © 2008.
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